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Announcing Squidify System Preview 1

Writer's picture: Terry ThamTerry Tham

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

Today, we are releasing Squidify System Preview 1, it is scheduled to GA (General Availability) at fall this year. Squidify System's main objective is to provide an intuitive experience to create autonomous machines that consist of motion, vision inspection, I/Os, or a robotic arm. This release version is a SaaS (software-as-a-service) application where internet connectivity is expected. We have also added the upmost security level, cloud-based data, advance and complex image process tools, and the latest technology from Microsoft; .Net 5 Preview 5. A self-contained offline version is available with our pre-installed controller.


Install Squidify Vision Preview 1

Download here. [preview session has been ended, please wait for the next release]


  1. Internet access.

  2. PC with Windows 10 OS x64 bit.

  3. > 4GB ram

  4. 500 MBs memory.

  5. User account.


Squidify Vision Features & Specification


  • Add, remove & edit cameras up to 4 channels per system.

  • Add, remove & edit inspection sequences and their inspection tools.

  • Remote control via Tcp/ip or a redial.

  • Option to save raw image and/or inspection image for every inspection.

Inspection Tools:


Shape matching
Anions shape matching
Scaled shape matching
Deformable matching
Correlation (gray-values) matching
Descriptor (3D) matching


Point-to-point 1-D measurement
Metrology 2-D measurement (rectangularity, circularity and ellipse) 


Standard OCR (Document_0-9_NoRej, Document_0-9_Rej, Document_0-9A-Z_NoRej, Document_0-9A-Z_Rej, Document_A-Z+_NoRej, Document_A-Z+_Rej, Document_NoRej, Document_Rej, DotPrint_0-9_NoRej, DotPrint_0-9_Rej, DotPrint_0-9+_NoRej, DotPrint_0-9+_Rej, DotPrint_0-9A-Z_NoRej, DotPrint_0-9A-Z_Rej, DotPrint_A-Z+_NoRej, DotPrint_A-Z+_Rej, DotPrint_NoRej, DotPrint_Rej, HandWritten_0-9_NoRej, HandWritten_0-9_Rej, Industrial_0-9_NoRej, Industrial_0-9_Rej, Industrial_0-9+_NoRej, Industrial_0-9+_Rej, Industrial_0-9A-Z_NoRej, Industrial_0-9A-Z_Rej, Industrial_A-Z+_NoRej, Industrial_A-Z+_Rej, Industrial_NoRej, Industrial_Rej, OCRA_0-9_NoRej, OCRA_0-9_Rej, OCRA_0-9A-Z_NoRej, OCRA_0-9A-Z_Rej, OCRA_A-Z+_NoRej, OCRA_A-Z+_Rej, OCRA_NoRej, OCRA_Rej, OCRB_0-9_NoRej, OCRB_0-9_Rej, OCRB_0-9A-Z_NoRej, OCRB_0-9A-Z_Rej, OCRB_A-Z+_NoRej, OCRB_A-Z+_Rej, OCRB_NoRej, OCRB_passport_NoRej, OCRB_passport_Rej, OCRB_Rej, Pharma_0-9_NoRej, Pharma_0-9_Rej, Pharma_0-9+_NoRej, Pharma_0-9+_Rej, Pharma_0-9A-Z_NoRej, Pharma_0-9A-Z_Rej, Pharma_NoRej, Pharma_Rej, SEMI_NoRej, SEMI_Rej).

Custom OCR using MLP (multilayer perceptron), SVM (support vector machine), KNN (k-nearest neighbors), and CNN (convolution neural networks). [Coming soon]


2/5 Industrial, 2/5 Interleaved, Codabar, Code 128, Code 39, Code 93, EAN-13 Add-On 2, EAN-13 Add-On 5, EAN-13, EAN-8 Add-On 2, EAN-8 Add-On 5, EAN-8, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked, GS1 DataBar Expanded, GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Omnidir, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidir, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1-128, MSI, PharmaCode, UPC-A Add-On 2, UPC-A Add-On 5, UPC-A, UPC-E Add-On 2, UPC-E Add-On 5, UPC-E


Data Matrix ECC 200, QR, MicroQR, PDF417, Aztec, GS1 Data Matrix, GS1 QR Code, GS1 Aztec Code.


Auto, Binary, Dual, Dyn, Edges extractions, and Mser thresholding.


Dilation and erosion

Pixels manipulation

1. Arithmetic: Abs Diff, Abs, Acos, Add, Asin, Atan2, Atan, Cos, Div, Exp, Gamma, Invert, Log, Max, Min, Mul, Pow, Sin, Sqrt, Sub and Tan image pixels
2. Bit: AND, Shift, Mask, NOT, OR, RShift, Slice and XOR.
3. Colors: Rgb1 to Gray, Rgb3 to Gray
4. Enhencement: Coherence Diff, Emphasize, Equal Histrogram, Illuminate, Mean curve flow.
5. FFT: Convol FFT, Correlation FFT, FFT Generic.
6. Filters: Band filter, bandpass filter, derivation filter, gauss filter, highpass filter, lowpass filter, mean filter, sin bandpass filter and std bandpass filter. 
7. Smoothing: Anisotropic diffusion, binomial filter, eliminate min. max. eliminate sp., mean and isotropic diffusion.

Coming next

We are excited about the work that is happening at Squidify System (vision)! There are lots of exciting things coming to Squidify System soon, including the next release that will be targeting motions and I/Os.

Did you find it useful? Let us know in the comments.

If you need additional information or a hardware demonstration and testing, please feel free to contact:

Tel: +605 - 210 8810 / +6012-9118334

Terry Tham

Director of R&D.

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