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Writer's pictureTerry Tham

Dive Deep to Motion Control

Motion control is essential and critical aspect of a machine. The performance direct affects machine performance in term of UPH, MTBF, and safety. The primary components of a motion control system contains:

  • motion controller, which calculates and controls the motion profile.

  • amplifier / driver to transform the control signal from motion controller to electrical energy to motor.

  • motor / geared-motor for output of motion.

  • encoder return the position or velocity of the motor to the motion controller for a close loop control system.

  • origin and/or, positive and negative sensor for safety, and homing purpose.

  • Mechanical component, such as shafting, ball screw, belt, linkages and/or others.

Squidify System is a fully integrated motion control using EtherCAT technology, therefore, the integration of motion controller and its heavy-weighted programming logics has been lifted for user to focus on create motion profiles that impact to the machine sequences and performance itself.

General specification of the EtherCAT master for EtherCAT motor drivers to connect:

  • Operation Mode: Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode

  • Synchronization: SM-synchron.

  • Physical layer: IEEE 802.3 100 Base T (100 Mbit/s, full duplex).

  • Fieldbus connection: EtherCAT Signal OUT.

  • EtherCAT Cycle Time: 1ms

  • Sensor required: Origin sensor, positive limit sensor, and negative limit sensor.

  • Integrating ESI file required.

Squidify system tested and using following intelligent drives system to cover drive power from as low as 50W up to 1500W:

Move Tools

In Squidify System, moving a connected motion axis is direct and easy to achieved. The moving axis/axes tools consists of:

  • Homing axis

  • Move absolute

  • Move relative

  • Move index

  • Move Absolute with multi-positions

  • Move relative with multi-distance

  • Multi-axes homing

  • Multi-axes move absolute

  • Multi-axes move relative

  • Multi-axes move absolute with multi-positions

  • Multi-axes move relative with multi-distance

Homing Axis

Homing axis is required for every initialization cycle when machine cold started. The main purpose of homing of an axis is to relocate actual origin position along a motion axis. In Squidify System, there are four home mode option:

  • Home with Origin Sensor - Move forward / backward with home speed until origin sensor trigger, and zeroing position.

  • Home with Limit Sensor - Move forward / backward with home speed until positive limit sensor / negative limit sensor triggered, and zeroing position. In this case, origin sensor does not required to be installed.

  • Home with EZ Signal - Move forward / backward with home speed until positive limit sensor / negative limit sensor triggered, returning until index signal from encoder triggered, then zeroing position.

  • Home with Torque - Move forward / backward with home speed until hitting stopping block with set value torque, then zeroing position.

Move Absolute

Move an axis from one point to another point with a position along the motion axes.

Move Relative

Move an axis from one point to another distance.

Move Index

Moving an axis one index pitch.

Position = Start Position + (Pitch * Current Index);
Where set values start position and pitch are user defined
Current index is from station entity variable.

Move Absolute with Multi-position

Blending move an axis with multiple positions without decelerate and stops for each position.

Move Relative with Multi-distance

Blending move an axis with multiple distance without decelerate and stops for each distance.

Multi-axes Homing

Move home for more than one axis simultaneously.

Multi-axes Move Absolute Position

Synchronizing interpolation moves multiple axes to a position.

Multi-axes Move Relative Distance

Synchronizing interpolation moves multiple axes to a distance.

Multi-axes Move Absolute with Multi-position

Synchronizing interpolation blending moves multiple axes with multiple positions.

Multi-axes Move Relative with Multi-distance

Synchronizing interpolation blending moves multiple axes with multiple distance.

With motion tools above, user can create complex motion profiles, synchronously or asynchronously to achieves expected results with minimum effort and intuitively. When motion profile executing, Squidify System pulling safety signals such as limit sensors signals and driver alarm signals to increase safety aspect of the motions execution. Furthermore, Squidify System also verify every moves position from encoder to ensure every position reaching within tolerance position for maximum accuracy.



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