Surface Dial is a secondary input device that helps users to be more productive when used together with a primary input device such as pen, touch, or mouse. As a secondary input device, the Dial is typically used to provide access both to system commands and to other, more contextual, tools and functionality. Surface Dial also offers haptic feedback, offering vibration that makes it intuitive to be more precise with the controls. Using Surface Dial, you can access to multiple custom shortcut tools designed to enhance user experience with Squidify Machine.
Usage of the Surface Dial with Squidify System
Press and hold Surface Dial to see other tools in the wheel menu. Turn the dial left or right to highlight the tool you want to use. To select a tool, press down and release.
The Dial supports three basic gestures:
Press and hold to display the built-in menu of commands.
Rotate to highlight a menu item (if the menu is active) or to modify the current action in the app (if the menu is not active).
Click to select the highlighted menu item (if the menu is active) or to invoke a command in the app (if the menu is not active).

Vision Control Menu
Squidify Systemhas built-in custom tools such as Camera, Inspection, Zoom, Image Pan Left-Right and Image Pan Up-Down tools, readily available with Surface Dial gestures.

Camera Capture & Live-View Control
To capture images via camera, simply press and hold Surface Dial, rotate to Camera on the menu, and click the Surface Dial. To toggle the Live View setting on or off, simply rotate the dial to the right (to turn the Live View mode on or rotate the dial to the left (to turn the Live View mode off).

Inspection Control
To execute Vision inspection sequence, press and hold Surface Dial, then rotate to Inspection menu, click and release the dial. To navigate to different inspection sequences, simply rotate the dial to choose the inspection sequence that you want to execute and inspect.

Zoom In-Out and Pan Left-Right-Up-Down Control
To zoom in or out the acquired image, press and hold Surface Dial, then rotate and click the Zoom menu. Then, simply rotate the dial to the left (zoom out) or right (zoom in). To pan image to the left or right, press and hold Surface Dial, then rotate and click the Pan Left-Right menu. Then, simply rotate the dial to the left (image move to the left) or right (image move to the right).

To pan image in upward or downward motion, press and hold Surface Dial, then rotate the dial and click Pan Up-Down. Then, simply rotate the dial to the left (image will move upward) or right (image will move downward).
The primary objective of the quick action device is to provide a convenience access yet essential functionality for the system especially when the system is installed beyond reach location (Inside a machine, obstacles, high position, etc).
By Nur Munira